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Alternatives (Free verse) by Dovina

Let the war go on three more brutal years. Double our losses, double theirs too. It’s worth the cost if during that time technologists come to our cure for a sickness we all endure. If by then the carnage persists, admit we’re defeated, sit down with the winners. Save what we can of all we admire, And give them their wishes, as much as we must to stop the killings and grant us some peace. So, you with the math, the physics, the code, we give you three years of our blood and our souls. Go into battle with all of your heart, Root out the evil, force them to stop, because you, my friends, are all that we’ve got.

ecargo 31-Jan-07/8:12 AM
Now, now--you're extrapolating an awful lot from what I actually said. Who are the "them" I'm not supporting--your imaginary, self-sacrificing, magical technologists? I said YOU failed, which I meant in the Poemranker comment context of "failed" (an amusing, site-specific device, much like "bow'ls"). (Yes, certainly, Rumsfeld--and his vision of technological sugarplums--failed, which is not to suggest that I'm "anti-technology" in some blanket way.) And no one said anything about bonkers. I do think you're bonkers (and a little too fond of the Southern Comfort), but that belief far predated this exchange--and, for what it's worth, I think we're all pretty much loony here, so you're in good company. I'm not sure if the pastel blue poetry site is cause of or magnet for lunacy (perhaps both), but here we are. However, I don't think any alternatives we might offer in limping rhythms and flat end rhymes are going to "solve" Iraq. If it were just a matter of building a better mousetrap, our feckless leaders would come up with a better plan than throwing a few more troops into the mix (who won't even have the benefit of the necessary armor and Humvees according to news reports). It's very easy to talk about "sacrifices" when they're always someone else's sacrifices, innit?

I applaud your efforts here though! Well done! Very proactive!

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