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The Secret (Free verse) by ecargo

How it lies, heavy in my belly and breast: no pearl, but a stone, no open hand, but a fist, mine to carry, mine alone, to bury with the rest.

Ranger 20-Sep-06/12:11 PM
You would never hurt a prawne? I am glad to hear it; seafood cocktail of any form always makes me weep.

General Thumble P. Critchford tells me that during WWII the prawnatroopers of the first regiment (the 'Pink Berets') distinguished themselves during a daring raid on the main bratwurst factory in Gelsenkirchen; supplies to the front line were crippled. Those prawnes who could adapt to swift freshwater managed to make good their escape along the Rhine and were rescued in Arnhem.

Yep, we still love our pounds sterling - despite Big Tony's efforts at demolishing the English heritage we're still fighting tooth and nail against joining Europe entirely. I'm pretty bad at conversion rates, but £13-£15 sounds about right. Actually, I expected it to be more to enter a competition like this - sort of the £25 mark. I'd love to read some of your stories - I never watched Howl's Moving Castle (and I cannot justify not watching it :-( ) but I absolutely loved Spirited Away - makes top five in my all-time favourites, although I'm not a movie buff. I'm guessing you enjoyed Lord of the Rings too?

Muchos kudos for actually being able to write a full-length (even short) novel; I don't have the attention span. What I've written in the past tended to turn into Pratchett-esque punfests, although I do mean to one day start that gothic story my suicide poem was based on. Time has been at a premium recently, of course, but I'm about to go back to uni for my last year so I'll have more hours during the week for writing. Actually, the last couple of days have been spent teaching myself metre (after our last convo on the ranker) so now I can talk about iambs, spondees, trochees and pyrrhic substitutions. One day I'll be able to use them too ;-)

Oh - and I'm starting the Poemranker Tales, hopefully to have the intro posted soon and get other people to write sections of it. Will it work or is it doomed from the start...?

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