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The secret press (Free verse) by zodiac

They have an aging third-world washer, guava green in a back bathroom, with two compartments: one a defunct agitator they call 'Obrero', the other an electric spin-wringer that works - named 'Tlatelolco', which after everything's the only thing left of it worth holding on to. So - some tropic night, after meetings after the calls, the chairs grating, the then-hush meaning the sweatshop tailors under are riding late buses out to the barrios and thinking frijoles or Beta's wedding, they've invented a system: wash, wring, rinse, wring, rinse, wring. Then hung on the roof for morning, the city shut on itself and still - or so - numinous. It makes him expansive, the order of it, the way she keeps that old wringer spinning or pushes a wisp of hair from her face with a track of soapsuds. This is the revolution, he's fond of saying, always smoking, his inkstained hands drawing bubbles through a worn shirt, each weft of it something breathing. Exploding. In my village, she thinks, the way my mother woke us cranking her Forties mangle. Strong-armed as she was, she made her hands useless for grasping after. And would she have held us if she could? Didn't she though? she asks. Then, after a moment, No, She wouldn't have recognized herself in this. In the end, she says, it's all doctrines and doctrines. Or what's left? A wash, a wet housedress she pulls up over her navel, her breasts. In the end it's clothes with clothes under. And she's bent shivering, bare arms in a tub, till his lips find the smear left on her shoulder where she's swatted a mosquito and then forgotten, and she says, oh the copy table, love, spread me thin as paper, print me like a banner. Him: So; how we spin as fast as we can. Her: How it hangs me in a damp night wind.

zodiac 30-May-05/3:48 AM
Of course it's poetry. Consider the evidence:

1) The lines are much shorter than the space available. Sometimes, they're not even the same length. There are paragraph-breaks inserted at odd places.

2) "No" and "though" rhyme. "Agitator" and "Tlatelolco" almost do.

3) It's posted on a poetry website, with "Free Verse" written at the top.

4) People who come to poetry websites to read and vote on poetry are voting on it.

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